In Flanders, there are currently 132,000 people living with dementia. The prediction is that this number will increase to more than 188,000 by 2035. For every person with dementia, three family caregivers are involved.
Based on scientific research and together with many care facilities, volunteers, carers and people with dementia, the Flanders Centre of Expertise on Dementia studied the question: what is quality of life, housing and care for people with dementia? Are the ideals we aim for really achievable? Which inspirational examples can we learn from? How can the different sectors help each other? And how can good care take shape in daily practice? The result from this process is a reference framework for quality of life, housing and care for people with dementia. We present a model for quality that can be adapted to all aspects of healthcare and welfare. The care relationship is at the core of the model, in which there are six foundations for quality care: the image of dementia, normalisation, independence in security, personalised care, the social network and family carers’ involvement and the role of professional carers and volunteers. This model formed the basis for the Interreg 2 seas CASCADE model.
‘You and me, together we are HUMAN’ aims to inspire, inform, challenge, push boundaries and foster creativity so that people can feel good in any setting. It is a cross-sectoral publication, which focuses on home care facilities in the broad meaning of the term, on diverse kinds of housing for people with dementia and on hospitals. It concerns a framework for all actors that are involved in the care and support of people with dementia in one way or another.
This publication is an English summary of the original Flemish publication ‘Ik, jij, samen MENS. Een referentiekader voor kwaliteit van leven, wonen en zorg voor personen met dementie’.